Cloud Computing (IN2073)

Prof. Dr. Michael Gerndt

Guest lecturers: Prof. Dr. Shajulin Benedict (IIIT Kottayam, India)

Tutors: Mohak Chadha,  Isaac Nunez

Registration is closed. No further students will be accepted!

Dates: Wednesday, 13:45 - 16:00
First meeting:  
Language: English
Type: Lecture, 2V+1Ü
Moodle course:  
Registration: TUM-Online (limit 400 seats)
Lecture type: Presence, HS Galileo: 8120.EG.001


  1. Introduction into Cloud Computing
  2. Base Technologies
  3. Virtualization
  4. Infrastructure as a Service
  5. OpenStack
  6. Platform as a Service
  7. Kubernetes
  8. Security
  9. Function as a Service
  10. Internet of Things
  11. Function Delivery Network
  12. Guest lecture


The lectures and exercises will be on-site. 


The exercises will provides hands-on with the full cloud technology stack. You will start from accessing the cloud, managing your virtual machines, and writing a little application that runs on the VM. You will then install Kubernetes and OpenWhisk and run an application.

Practical Lab Course

In winter semester we run an IoT lab course where you apply what you've learned to an IoT use case.