Recent successes have established the potential of parallel-in-time integration as a powerful algorithmic paradigm to unlock the performance of Exascale systems. However, these successes have mainly been achieved in a rather academic setting, without an overarching understanding. TIME-X will take the next leap in the development and deployment of this promising new approach for massively parallel HPC simulation, enabling efficient parallel-in-time integration for real-life applications. We will:
- Provide software for parallel-in-time integration on current and future Exascale HPC architectures, delivering substantial improvements in parallel scaling;
- Develop novel algorithmic concepts for parallel-in-time integration, deepening our mathematical understanding of their convergence behaviour and including advances in multi-scale methodology;
- Demonstrate the impact of parallel-in-time integration, showcasing the potential on problems that, to date, cannot be tackled with full parallel efficiency in three diverse and challenging application fields with high societal impact: weather and climate, medicine and fusion.
To realize these ambitious, yet achievable goals, the inherently inter-disciplinary TIME-X Consortium unites top researchers from numerical analysis and applied mathematics, computer science and the selected application domains. Europe is leading research in parallel-in-time integration. TIME-X unites all relevant actors at the European level for the first time in a joint strategic research effort. The project will enable taking the necessary next step: advancing parallel-in-time integration from an academic/mathematical methodology into a widely available technology with a convincing proof of concept, maintaining European leadership in this rapidly advancing field and paving the way for industrial adoption.
More information is available on our website