Xiebing Wang
E-mail | xiebing.wang@in.tum.de |
Room | MI 03.07.059 |
Phone | + |
Fax | + |
Address | Institut für Informatik VI |
| Technische Universität München |
| Boltzmannstraße 3 |
| 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
Homepage | https://www.in.tum.de/i06/people/xiebing-wang-meng/ |
Curriculum Vitæ
My research interests include autonomous driving, parallel computing and heterogeneous computing. If you are interested in these topics, please feel free to contact me.
2015.9 - present | Research Assistant at Institut für Informatik VI, Technische Universität München |
2012.9 - 2015.6 | M.Eng. in Computer School at Wuhan University, China |
2008.9 - 2012.6 | B.Eng. in Computer School at Wuhan University, China |
Thesis Topics
- Jait Dixit: Efficient, real-time pedestrian detection with GPU-accelerated feature extraction and pattern classification (Master Thesis)
- Christopher Kiwus: Multi-ROI based lane detection in heterogeneous systems (Master Thesis)
- Tobias Kick: Pedestrian tracking with GM-PHD Filters for heterogeneous system (Bachelor Thesis)
- Bodeit Tim: Comparing high- and low-level implementation of FPGA based lane detection (Bachelor Thesis)
- Markus Obrull: Direct data communication in heterogeneous systems (Bachelor Thesis)
Teaching and Experience
- 8 days intensive practical training on building eCars at SMIE 2016, SYSU, Zhuhai, China
- Hardware/Software Co-Design with a LEGO car (SS 2016)
- Hardware/Software Co-Design with a LEGO car (WS 2016)
- Hardware/Software Co-Design with an autonomous driving car (SS 2017)