Kejia Chen

Picture of Kejia Chen

M.Sc. Kejia Chen

Curriculum Vitae

Kejia Chen joined the Chair of Robotics, Aritificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems in 2022 as a doctoral candidate under supervision of Prof. Alois Knoll. Before that, she received her M.Sc. degree in Robotics, Cognition and Intelligence at TUM. She is working on the project KI Fabrik. Her current research interests include

  • Manipulation of Deformable (Linear) Objects
  • Biologically-inspired Navigation
  • Multi-robot Collaboration
  • Skill-based Robot Learning.


[IN2222] Cognitive Systems in SS22 and SS23

[IN0012, IN2106, IN4328] Masterpraktikum - Simulation-Based Machine Learning in Robotics in WS22-23, SS23 and WS23-24



  • Chen, Kejia; Bing, Zhenshan; Wu, Yansong; Wu, Fan; Liding, Zhang; Haddadin, Sami; Knoll, Alois: Real-time Contact State Estimation in Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects under Small Environmental Constraints. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024 more…
  • Yao, Xiangtong; Bing, Zhenshan; Zhuang, Genghang; Chen, Kejia; Zhou, Hongkuan; Huang, Kai; Knoll, Alois: Learning from Symmetry: Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Symmetrical Behaviors and Language Instructions. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), 2023 more…
  • Chen, Kejia; Bing, Zhenshan; Wu, Fan; Meng, Yuan; Kraft, André; Haddadin, Sami; Knoll, Alois: Contact-Aware Shaping and Maintenance of Deformable Linear Objects With Fixtures. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023 more…