(2017 -Now) Ph.D. candidate, Technical University of Munich
(2013-2016) Master of Science Degree in Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
(2008-2013) Bachelor's Degree in Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
Research Interests
Object Detection, Sensor Fusion, Temporal data processing with deep learning models
Temporal Data Processing for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
Self-supervised Scene Flow-based 3D Object Detection
We aim to use temporal features learned through self-supervised scene flow task for 3D object detection. Please check our paper published in ECCV 2022. Also, our codes can be reached on Github.
Qualitative comparison between our self-supervised Point-GNN and its baseline on KITTI Multi-object Tracking Dataset drive 11.
Qualitative comparison between our self-supervised Point-GNN and its baseline on KITTI Multi-object Tracking Dataset drive 18.
Multi-frame Object-level 3D Object Detection
We aim to aggregate regional object features from multiple frames to obtain more representative temporal features that can be used for more accurate 3D detections. Please check our papers published in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2021 and IEEE Access in 2021. Also, our codes can be reached on Github.
Qualitative comparison between our multi-frame Frustum PointNet and its baseline on KITTI Multi-object Tracking Dataset drive 18 for car class.
Qualitative comparison between our multi-frame Frustum PointNet and its baseline on KITTI Multi-object Tracking Dataset drive 16 for pedestrian class.
Qualitative comparison between our multi-frame Frustum PointNet and its baseline on KITTI Multi-object Tracking Dataset drive 15 for cyclist class.
Open Thesis Topics / Guided Research
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Thesis Supervision
Guided research: Self-supervised scene flow approaches for 3D lidar point clouds, Zhijie Yang, Nov.2021-Sep.2022
Guided research: Analysis of flow-based 3D perception tasks, Hanzhen Zhang, Dec. 2021-Jun.2022
Master's thesis: Spatio-temporal Graph Neural Networks for Object Detection, Maximilian Listl, Nov. 2021-Jun.2022
Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of Self-supervised Scene Flow for Perception, Aysu Konyala, Nov. 2021-Apr.2022
Master's thesis: Spatio-temporal Graph Neural Networks for 3D Object Detection, Mingyu Liu, Oct. 2021-Feb.2022
Master's thesis: Attention-based Temporal Frustum Pointnet for 3D Object Detection, Sebastian Grauff, Apr.2021-Jan.2022
Master's thesis: Multi-Person and Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Aerial Imagery Sequences using Deep Learning Algorithms, Tsuyoshi Beheim, Apr.2021-Nov.2021
Bachelor's thesis: Transfer learning for Temporal 3D Object Detection, Kaan Yılmaz Çaylı, Apr.2021-Aug.2021
Guided research: Novel methods and challenges of processing time-series data for object detection, Sadık Ekin Özbay, Nov. 2020-Mar.2021
Master's thesis: Analysis of 3D Object Association Methods for RGB-D Data, Patrick von Haller, Jun.2020-Feb.2021
Master's thesis: 3D object tracking combining LiDAR with temporal image cues, Eda Çiçek, Apr.2020-Dec.2020
Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of proposal improvement on Faster RCNN, Salma Mrabet, Jul.2020-Nov2020
Master's thesis: 3D object detection using temporal data fusion, Zhiran Yan, Jan.2020-Jul.2020
Master's thesis: Efficient object detection and tracking for indoor applications, Robert Walter, Nov.2019-May2020
Master's thesis: Multi-Object Tracking in Aerial and Satellite Imagery, Maximilian Kraus, Nov.2019-May2020
Master's thesis: Processing video data to improve 2D object detection, Arnd Pettirsch, Oct. 2019-Apr.2020
Master's thesis: Deep Learning based People Counting Using 60 GHz FMCW Radar Sensor, Cem Yusuf Aydoğdu, Oct. 2019-Apr.2020
Master's thesis: Data fusion from heterogeneous sensor for indoor scenarios, Okan Kamil Şen, Sep.2019-Mar.2020
Master's thesis: Radar-based object detection using deep neural networks, Maria Dreher, Jun.2019-Dec.2019
Master's thesis: Motion cueing for the control of a car simulator using RNN and RL, Ahmet Burakhan Koyuncu, Apr.2019-Nov.2019
Master's thesis: Sensor fusion for object detection on simulator data, Tuba Topaloğlu, Feb.2019-Nov.2019
Master's thesis: Sensor fusion through 3D proposals using data generated from simulators, Ruslan Noschajew, Apr.2019-Oct.2019
Research internship: Integration of depth information for LSTM-based online video object detection, Mert Keser, Mar.2019-Apr.2019
Bachelor's thesis: The recognition and evaluation of traffic signs and its additional information with machine learning in the context of autonomous driving, Tobias Weber, Nov.2018-Apr.2019
Guided research: Methods to transfer knowledge from simulation into real-world for object detection problem, Anshul Sharma, Nov.2018-Apr.2019
Master's thesis: Evaluation of an object detection model adding recurrency, Daniel Haller, Nov.2018-Apr.2019
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Previous semesters
Visual feature learning in autonomous driving (SS 2019)
Multimodal Temporal Data Processing in Autonomous Driving (WS19/20)
Visual feature learning in autonomous driving (SS 2020)
Multimodal Temporal Data Processing in Autonomous Driving (WS 20/21)
Visual feature learning in autonomous driving (SS 2021)
Erçelik, Emeç; Yurtsever, Ekim; Liu, Mingyu; Yang, Zhijie; Zhang, Hanzhen; Topçam, Pınar; Listl, Maximilian; Kaan Çaylı, Yılmaz; Knoll, Alois: 3D Object Detection with a Self-supervised Lidar Scene Flow Backbone. European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2022 more…BibTeX
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Zimmer, Walter; Erçelik, Emeç; Zhou, Xingcheng; Diaz Ortiz, Xavier Jair; Knoll, Alois C.: A Survey of Robust LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving, 2022 more…BibTeX
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Zimmer, Walter; Ercelik, Emec; Zhou, Xingcheng; Ortiz, Xavier Jair Diaz; Knoll, Alois: A Survey of Robust 3D Object Detection Methods in Point Clouds. , 2022 more…BibTeX
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Feryel Zoghlami; Okan Kamil Sen; Harald Heinrich; Germar Schneider; Emec Ercelik; Alois Knoll; Thomas Villman: ToF/Radar early feature-based fusion system for human detection and tracking. 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2021), 2021 more…BibTeX
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Kraus, Maximilian; Azimi, Seyed Majid; Ercelik, Emec; Bahmanyar, Reza; Reinartz, Peter; Knoll, Alois: AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), IEEE, 2021, 2454-2461 more…BibTeX
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Ahmet Burakhan Koyuncu; Emec Ercelik; Eduard Comulada-Simpson; Joost Venrooij; Mohsen Kaboli; Alois Knoll: A Novel Approach to Neural Network-based Motion Cueing Algorithm for a Driving Simulator. 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2020 more…BibTeX
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Maria Dreher; Emec Ercelik; Timo Bänziger; Alois Knoll: Radar-based 2D Car Detection Using Deep Neural Networks. 23rd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2020), 2020 more…BibTeX
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Maximilian Kraus; Seyed Majid Azimi; Emec Ercelik; Reza Bahmanyar; Peter Reinartz; Alois Knoll: AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features. 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020), 2020 more…BibTeX
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Tobias Weber; Emec Ercelik; Martin Ebert; Alois Knoll: Recognition & Evaluation of Additional Traffic Signs on the example of '80 km/h when wet'. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2019 more…BibTeX
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Zied Tayeb, Emeç Erçelik, Jörg Conradt: Decoding of motor imagery movements from EEG signals using SpiNNaker neuromorphic hardware. Neural Engineering (NER), 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, 2017 more…BibTeX
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Emeç Erçelik, Neslihan Serap Şengör: A neurocomputational model implemented on humanoid robot for learning action selection. Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2015 International Joint Conference on, 2015 more…BibTeX
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Emeç Erçelik, Rahmi Elibol, Neslihan Serap Şengör: A model on building and modifying the stimulus action association in the brain. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2015 23th, 2015 more…BibTeX
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