Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hussam Amrouch

Hussam Amrouch is Professor (W3) heading the Chair of AI Processor Design (AI-Pro) at the School of Computation, Information and Technology within the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He is, additionally, with the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, where he is heading the research in the Brain-inspired Computing (BiC). Further, he is the head of the Semiconductor Test and Reliability (STAR) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He is also a Research Scholar (2020-2025) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the U.S. Prof. Amrouch earned his Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) with the highest distinction (summa cum laude), from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2015. That same year, he founded the "Dependable Hardware" group at KIT and led it until September 2022. In July 2020, he was appointed as a Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he headed the Chair of Semiconductor Test and Reliability (STAR). In April 2023, he was appointed to the professorship "AI Processor Desing" at TUM. Prof. Amrouch serves as an Editor in the Nature Portfolio for the Nature Scientific Reports journal, which is currently the 5th most-cited journal in the world. He is also a reviewer in many top journals (including Nature Electronics and Nature Communications) in different research fields starting from computer architectures to circuits all the way down to transistor and semiconductor physics. He has delivered 13 tutorials and 27 invited talks (including 2 keynotes) in many top international conferences, universities, and companies. He has also organized 12 special sessions in top international conferences such as DAC, DATE, ICCAD, ASP-DAC, IRPS. He serves since 2020 in the Board of Directors of the Graduate School (Graduiertenkolleg) "Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability" at the University of Stuttgart. Within this Graduate School, he was/is leading six projects in total (4x as a single PI and 2x as co-PI).