Foto von Tim Music

M.Sc. Tim Music


Lehrstuhl für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Prof. Sigl)

Theresienstr. 90(0101)/1.ZG
80333 München

PGP: 847E 8E7D FC37 B790 03A0  3858 DCC8 80ED 4793 0715

Research Interests

  • Embedded Security
  • Fault Attacks
  • Countermeasures against physical attacks
  • Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF)
  • Authentication
  • ASIC-Design
  • Cryptography

Student Research Positions

The table below lists the public set of my currenly available research and working opportunities for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me for potential Bachelor or Masters Theses, as well as Research Internships, if you are interested to work in one of my research domains. Should your research interest not be listed right now, let us have a personal conversation in which we may identify and discuss suitable topics.

Development and Tutoring for Smart Card Laboratory

smart-card embedded development


The smart card lab is a laboratory tailored for master students who want to expand their theoretical knowledge in side-channel analysis. Using the lessons learned in SIKA (Secure Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms), students explore first-hand how to perform a correlation power analysis and break cryptographic implementations themselves. Howevel, the lab, is not only limited to just breaking implementations, but also covers a variety of approaches to secure implementations.

Given the broad scope of this lab, I am looking for a tutor (6-8 hours per week) to support my students, while working together with me to develop new ideas and refine existing exercises.

To give you a glimpse into potential tasks, on the hardware side you can

  • assemble new smart cards, logic analyzers and debug adapter PCBs
  • repair existing hardware if a malfunction can be seen
  • drive the development of a new hardware revision

But you are not limited to the hardware aspects, we also strive to

  • improve the existing smart card firmware to make it even more secure
  • experiment with new ways to make the exercises more exciting. For example to give the students the opportunity to compete in a CTF-like scenario
  • create a solution to automatically test and evaluate the code submitted by the students

If you are interested in embedded systems and hardware-software co-design, this could be the student job for you. I do not have the prerequesite of you having taken the course already.


The smart card lab draws expertise from several different areas, so your requirements will vary depending on which area you want to work in. From a hardware perspective, you should be able to read schematics and have some initial practice in soldering. If you strive to develop software, basic knowledge in embedded C and Python is required.


Tim Music