
  • PGP-Schlüssel: og_pubkey.asc
  • Fingerprint: 8A6D 3FB4 5C99 F99E FF36 68E7 9A16 CC11 0EC2 2C41


  • Embedded Security
  • Seitenkanal-Analysen
  • Fehlerinjektion


  • Han, Yutong; Guillén i Fàbregas, Albert: Coding for the Gilbert–Elliott Channel: A Mismatched Decoding Perspective. ETH Zurich, 2024 mehr… BibTeX
  • Guillen, Oscar M. and Pöppelmann, Thomas and Bermudo Mera, Jose M. and Fuentes Bongenaar, Elena and Sigl, Georg and Sepulveda, Johanna: Towards Post-quantum Security for IoT Endpoints with NTRU. Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2017, 2017Lausanne, Switzerland , 6 pages mehr… BibTeX
  • Guillen, Oscar and Gruber, Michael and De Santis, Fabrizio: Low-cost Setup for Localized Semi-invasive Optical Fault Injection Attacks - How Low Can We Go? COSADE 2017, 2017Paris, France, 16 pages mehr… BibTeX
  • Seuschek, Hermann and Guillen, Oscar and De Santis, Fabrizio: Side-Channel Leakage Aware Instruction Scheduling. 4th Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems (CS2 2017) HIPEAC17, 2017Stockholm, Sweden mehr… BibTeX
  • Guillen, Oscar and Schmidt, Dawin and Sigl, Georg: Practical Evaluation of Code Injection in Encrypted Firmware Updates. Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2016 , 2016Dresden, Germany mehr… BibTeX
  • Guillen, Oscar and De Santis, Fabrizio and Brederlow, Ralf and Sigl, Georg: Towards Side-Channel Secure Firmware Updates - A Minimalist Anomaly Detection Approach. 9th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS), 2016Quebec, Canada, 16 pages mehr… BibTeX
  • Guillen, Oscar and Brederlow, Ralf and Ledwa, Ralf and Sigl, Georg: Risk Management in Embedded Devices using Metering Applications as Example. 9th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (ESWEEK/WESS 2014), 2014New Delhi, India mehr… BibTeX
  • De Santis, Fabrizio and Sakic, Ermin and Guillen, Oscar and Sigl, Georg: Ciphertext-Only Fault Attacks on PRESENT. Third International Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Security & Privacy (LIGHTSEC 2014), 2014Istanbul, Turkey mehr… BibTeX
  • Manich, Salvador and Wamser, Markus Guillen, Oscar and Sigl, Georg: Differential Scan-Path: A Novel Solution for Secure Design-for-Testability. Test Conference (ITC), 2013 IEEE International , IEEE, 2013Anaheim, USA mehr… BibTeX

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