Testing Framework for V2X
Motivation and Task
V2X, or C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems), is becoming increasingly prevalent in the EU. C-ITS refers to a network of systems that enable vehicles, infrastructure, and other road users to communicate and cooperate with each other in real-time. The primary goal of C-ITS is to improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and overall mobility by sharing information about traffic conditions, hazards, and other relevant data. With the increasing connectivity of vehicles and the associated data transmissions, it is essential to implement robust security mechanisms to protect user privacy and ensure the integrity of transportation systems. To test these security mechanisms, efficient testing frameworks are required.
C-ITS is based on the wireless standard IEEE 802.11p to send CAM and DENM messages via BTP and GeoNet, which are secured using IEEE 1609.2. Previous work has already provided a vertical slice through the layers to send and receive messages. The goal of this thesis is to extend the previous work to allow efficient testing of vehicles and roadside units. This includes defining suitable test cases as well as extending the capabilities of the testing framework. For example, the stack could be extended with capabilities to craft custom valid messages. Potential test cases range from fuzzing the message encoding to injecting manipulated messages into the communication. Results may be evaluated on a real-world electric vehicle.
The following list of prerequisites is neither complete nor binding, but shall give you an idea, what the topic is about:
• Ability to work self-directed and systematically
• IT Security knowledge, preferably in the fields automotive or wireless communication
• Interest in offensive security and pentesting
• Ideally you enjoy reading norms and standards
Contact Please send your application with current CV and transcript of records to:
Nikolai Puch
Dieter Schuster
Phone: +49 89 322-9986-142
Phone: +49 89 322-9986-134
Fraunhofer Research Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC
Department Product Protection and Industrial Security Lichtenbergstraße 11, 85748 Garching near Munich, Germany
Interdisziplinäre Projekte
Testing Framework for V2X
Motivation and Task
V2X, or C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems), is becoming increasingly prevalent in the EU. C-ITS refers to a network of systems that enable vehicles, infrastructure, and other road users to communicate and cooperate with each other in real-time. The primary goal of C-ITS is to improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and overall mobility by sharing information about traffic conditions, hazards, and other relevant data. With the increasing connectivity of vehicles and the associated data transmissions, it is essential to implement robust security mechanisms to protect user privacy and ensure the integrity of transportation systems. To test these security mechanisms, efficient testing frameworks are required.
C-ITS is based on the wireless standard IEEE 802.11p to send CAM and DENM messages via BTP and GeoNet, which are secured using IEEE 1609.2. Previous work has already provided a vertical slice through the layers to send and receive messages. The goal of this thesis is to extend the previous work to allow efficient testing of vehicles and roadside units. This includes defining suitable test cases as well as extending the capabilities of the testing framework. For example, the stack could be extended with capabilities to craft custom valid messages. Potential test cases range from fuzzing the message encoding to injecting manipulated messages into the communication. Results may be evaluated on a real-world electric vehicle.
The following list of prerequisites is neither complete nor binding, but shall give you an idea, what the topic is about:
• Ability to work self-directed and systematically
• IT Security knowledge, preferably in the fields automotive or wireless communication
• Interest in offensive security and pentesting
• Ideally you enjoy reading norms and standards
Contact Please send your application with current CV and transcript of records to:
Nikolai Puch
Dieter Schuster
Phone: +49 89 322-9986-142
Phone: +49 89 322-9986-134
Fraunhofer Research Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC
Department Product Protection and Industrial Security Lichtenbergstraße 11, 85748 Garching near Munich, Germany