Foto von Matthias Probst

M.Sc. Matthias Probst

Raum: N1008ZG

Research Interests

  • Side Channel Analysis
  • Neural Networks
  • Neuromorphic Hardware (Spiking Neural Networks)

Research positions for students

If one of my research topics catches your interest, feel free to contact me for possible Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis or research internship opportunities.


Correlation between local emanations and local fault injection positions

Probe Positioning, Fault, Side Channel


For local fault attacks, a suitable position on the chip needs to be identified before arming an attack on, e.g., some cipher. Currently, one needs to step over the entire chip and test possible fault parameters at each position. Later, the position with the best results in this positioning run will be used for the attack. Since there is a vast amount of possible fault injection parameters, the position search is very time-consuming. There are some approaches in state-of-the-art research publications to speed up this process. However, a detailed methodology is still missing, especially for fault injections.

A correlation between EM emanations and positions prone to faults can drastically speed up the process and provide a major time advantage to any attacker.

Within this work, the dependency of EM and fault positions should be explored in the example of different microcontroller or FPGA implementations. The most important part lies in the reproducibility of results across these different platforms.
Currently, the comparison is done manually. Further approaches should be found during the student work and evaluated in the recorded datasets.


  • Knowledge in Side-Channels and Fault Injections are ideal
  • Python and C are mandatory
  • Linux skill are also mandatory



Matthias Probst (


Matthias Probst

Forschungspraxis (Research Internships)

Correlation between local emanations and local fault injection positions

Probe Positioning, Fault, Side Channel


For local fault attacks, a suitable position on the chip needs to be identified before arming an attack on, e.g., some cipher. Currently, one needs to step over the entire chip and test possible fault parameters at each position. Later, the position with the best results in this positioning run will be used for the attack. Since there is a vast amount of possible fault injection parameters, the position search is very time-consuming. There are some approaches in state-of-the-art research publications to speed up this process. However, a detailed methodology is still missing, especially for fault injections.

A correlation between EM emanations and positions prone to faults can drastically speed up the process and provide a major time advantage to any attacker.

Within this work, the dependency of EM and fault positions should be explored in the example of different microcontroller or FPGA implementations. The most important part lies in the reproducibility of results across these different platforms.
Currently, the comparison is done manually. Further approaches should be found during the student work and evaluated in the recorded datasets.


  • Knowledge in Side-Channels and Fault Injections are ideal
  • Python and C are mandatory
  • Linux skill are also mandatory



Matthias Probst (


Matthias Probst

Studentische Hilfskräfte

Correlation between local emanations and local fault injection positions

Probe Positioning, Fault, Side Channel


For local fault attacks, a suitable position on the chip needs to be identified before arming an attack on, e.g., some cipher. Currently, one needs to step over the entire chip and test possible fault parameters at each position. Later, the position with the best results in this positioning run will be used for the attack. Since there is a vast amount of possible fault injection parameters, the position search is very time-consuming. There are some approaches in state-of-the-art research publications to speed up this process. However, a detailed methodology is still missing, especially for fault injections.

A correlation between EM emanations and positions prone to faults can drastically speed up the process and provide a major time advantage to any attacker.

Within this work, the dependency of EM and fault positions should be explored in the example of different microcontroller or FPGA implementations. The most important part lies in the reproducibility of results across these different platforms.
Currently, the comparison is done manually. Further approaches should be found during the student work and evaluated in the recorded datasets.


  • Knowledge in Side-Channels and Fault Injections are ideal
  • Python and C are mandatory
  • Linux skill are also mandatory



Matthias Probst (


Matthias Probst


Embedded Systems and Security in winter semester



  • Probst Matthias, Gruber Michael, Brosch Manuel, Music Tim, Sigl Georg: Switch-Glitch : Location of Fault Injection Sweet Spots by Electro-Magnetic Emanation. 2024 Workshop on Fault Detection and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC), 2024Halifax - Canada mehr…
  • Probst, Matthias and Brosch, Manuel and Gruber, Michael and Sigl, Georg: DOMREP II. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2024Washington DC, USA mehr…
  • Schmidt, Patrick and Topko, Iuliia and Stammler, Matthias and Harbaum, Tanja and Becker, Juergen and Berner, Rico and Ahmed, Omar and Jagielski, Jakub and Seidler, Thomas and Abel, Markus and Kreutzer, Marius and Kirschner, Maximilian and Betancourt, Victor Pazmino and Sehm, Robin and Groth, Lukas and Neskovic, Andrija and Meyer, Rolf and Mulhem, Saleh and Berekovic, Mladen and Probst, Matthias and Brosch, Manuel and Sigl, Georg and Wild, Thomas and Ernst, Matthias and Herkersdorf, Andreas and Aigner, Florian and Hommes, Stefan and Lauer, Sebastian and Seidler, Maximilian and Raste, Thomas and Bozic, Gasper Skvarc and Ceberio, Ibai Irigoyen and Hassan, Muhammad and Mayer, Albrecht: EMDRIVE Architecture: Embedded Distributed Computing and Diagnostics from Sensor to Edge. 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2024Valencia, Spain mehr…


  • Brosch, Manuel and Probst, Matthias and Glaser, Matthias and Sigl, Georg: A Masked Hardware Accelerator for Feed-Forward Neural Networks With Fixed-Point Arithmetic. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2023, 1-14 mehr…


  • Brosch, Manuel and Probst, Matthias and Sigl, Georg: Counteract Side-Channel Analysis of Neural Networks by Shuffling. 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), IEEE, 2022Antwerp, Belgium mehr…


  • Gruber, Michael and Probst, Matthias and Karl, Patrick and Schamberger, Thomas and Tebelmann, Lars and Tempelmeier, Michael and Sigl, Georg: DOMREP – An Orthogonal Countermeasure for Arbitrary Order Side-Channel and Fault Attack Protection. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (16), 2021, 4321-4335 mehr…


  • Gruber, M.; Probst, M.; Tempelmeier, M.: Statistical Ineffective Fault Analysis of GIMLI. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2020IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) mehr…


  • Gruber, M. and Probst, M. and Tempelmeier, M.: Persistent Fault Analysis of OCB, DEOXYS and COLM. 2019 Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC), 2019Atlanta, USA mehr…