Advanced Cryptographic Implementations

Lecturer (assistant)
  • Fabrizio De Santis
TermSommersemester 2024
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


Upon successful completion of the module, students will master advanced implementation techniques to optimize state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms for embedded systems, including post-quantum cryptrography. Additionally, students will be able to implement advanced countermeasures to secure cryptographic implementations against implementation attacks such as side-channel and fault attacks.


The module is offered as lectures using slides and notes on the blackboard. In the lectures, the contents will be provided in a talk with practical examples and demonstrations, as well as through discussion with the students. In each lecture, further literature will be suggested to motivate students to deepen their understanding of the methods and concepts presented in the lecture. In the exercise sessions, students will have the opportunity to delve into, apply, and present the current research results assigned as homework during the course. Discussions will be held to consolidate the shared understanding to the class.


The following lectures should be successfully completed: Applied Cryptography or equivalent. Further, the following courses are recommended: “Secure implementations of cryptographic devices”, “SmartCard Lab”, and “Seminar on Security in Information Technology”.


see module description

Recommended literature

Power Analysis Attacks - Revealing the Secrets of Smart Cards
