Open Positions

The Cyber Physical Systems Group is always looking for motivated new members (research associates and PhD students) to contribute to our research. If you are a student looking for a job or internship during your Bachelor or Master education, working as a student assistant (HiWi) in our group is a great opportunity to gain first impressions of working in academia. Moreover, our group has several spin-off startups that are also looking to hire new people.

Are you interested in one of the positions listed below? Please send us your application via our application form.

No suitable position listed? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application via our application form.

For positions in our spin-offs, please contact the companies directly.

Open Student Assistant Positions (HiWi)

EDGAR Datacenter

Our research vehicle, EDGAR, is generating vast amounts of valuable driving data. We're looking for talented contributors to help us shape this data into one of the largest open-source dataset that will drive innovation in autonomous driving research.

A major obstacle for that is the implementation of an efficient and reliable data warehouse that allows researchers to easily access and work with this data.

Your tasks include:

  • API Design: Craft intuitive endpoints for seamless data access.
  • Data Transformation: Extract and transform raw rosbag files into usable formats.
  • CI Testing: Build robust pipelines to ensure data integrity and project reliability.

Essential skills:

  • Python
  • API design
  • Ros2 (preferrable)

If you are interested, feel free to contact me at

Open Startup Positions

Co-Founder and Business Developer for EXIST Project on Autonomous Construction Robotics

As Co-Founder and business developer, you will be instrumental in shaping our robotics venture. Your responsibilities include:

  • Establishing and maintaining relationships with partners, investors, and other stakeholders.
  • Guiding the financial and operational aspects of the company and attracting investors.
  • Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Promoting a culture of innovation and excellence within the team.
  • Finding customers and identifying their needs.

Further information can be found here.

Various Positions at Modular Robotics Startup RobCo GmbH

The modular robotics startup RobCo, which is a spin-off of the Cyber Physical Systems Group, is continously looking for talented individuals willing to make a dent in the robots industry. For open positions please have a look at: