Technical University of Munich
Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Physical Systems (Prof. Althoff)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Curriculum Vitae
Patrick Halder joined the Cyber Physical Systems Group as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff in 2021. He graduated with the Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 2019. He received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Automotive Engineering from the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in 2016. He is employed at ZF Friedrichshafen AG as a Function-Developer for autonomous driving.
His research interests include rule-compliant motion planning of autonomous vehicles and formal methods.
Offered Thesis Topics
I am always looking for self-motivated students to solve interesting problems arising in my research areas. If you are interested in one of the currently available topics or have a topic in mind, simply send me an e-mail with your up-to-date CV and transcript of records attached.
Currently Available
Practical Course – Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles [WiSe 21/22, SoSe 22, WiSe 22/23]
- Motion Planning with Rulebooks
- Development of an RRT* Motion Planning Algorithm with Signal Temporal Logic Specifications (co-supervised with Gerald Würsching)
- Rulebooks - Creation of a Python Module
- Rulebooks - Preparation of an Online-Survey
- Quantitative Traffic Rule Monitor for Autonomous Driving (co-supervised with Luis Gressenbuch and Yuanfei Lin)
Seminar – Cyber-Physical Systems [WiSe 21/22, SoSe 22]
- Minimum-Violation Planning (co-supervised with Yuanfei Lin)
- Motion Planning with STL Constraints (co-supervised with Yuanfei Lin)
- Motion Planning with Rule Specifications (co-supervised with Yuanfei Lin)