Cyber Physical Systems Group

Our research is focused on proving safety of cyber-physical systems in uncertain environments.

Cyber-physical systems -- physical devices, enhanced by computational algorithms, that interact with their environment -- are pervasive in today's society. Applications include autonomous driving, surgical robots, power grids, space exploration, and many more. All these use cases are safety-critical, as failures can cause severe economic and ecologic damages. At the Cyber Physical Systems Group, we develop methods to provably guarantee safe operation of these systems during deployment.

We employ a variety of methods, including

  • set-based computing and reachability analysis,
  • optimization and combinatorial algorithms,
  • safe and multi-agent reinforcement learning.

Examples of our applications are

  • autonomous vehicles, vessels, and drones,
  • modular robots and robotic manipulators,
  • power systems.

We are always looking for motivated new members to join our team and contribute to our research!