M.Sc. Vittorio Cozzolino
Vittorio is a PhD Researcher at TU Munich (09.2015--present) supervised by Professor Jörg Ott. His research started with sensors networks and edge computing which paved the way to the development of an unikernel based, distributed orchestration framework to enable edge-cloud interplay. In search of novel and exciting use-cases, his interests expanded towards computer vision in pursue of the creation of a edge distributed platform to support mobile Augmented Reality with bleeding-edge image processing neural nets.
During the LLCM project, he was allocated on the topic "Sensing-on-Demand". His recent research covered the development of a system for fine-grained edge offloading based on lightweight virtualization. He obtained his Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) master degree in (2014) from the University "Federico II" of Naples.
Before joining TUM, Vittorio worked for an Italian company named AgileLab (Turin, Italy) from 09.2013 to 07.2015 in the role of Technical Lead. As part of his job, he developed/designed new software solutions based on BigData analytics tools (data-mining algorithms, machine learning).
He also spent 6 months working on MANETs at IMDEA Networks (Madrid, Spain) in 2013 guided by Prof. Ajamone Marsan and the researcher Gianluca Rizzo as an Internship program (ERASMUS).
- Unikernels, Lightweight Virtualization
- Edge Computing architectures and offloading
- Computer Vision for Mobile Augmented Reality and new HCIs
A comprehensive list of my publications can be found here.
Contact: vittorio.cozzolino (AT) in.tum.de
Office Room: 01.05.041