Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Ott

Jörg Ott holds the Chair for Connected Mobility at Technische Universität München in the Faculty of Informatics since August 2015. He is also Adjunct Professor at Aalto University, where he was Professor for Networking Technology with a focus on Protocols, Services, and Software in the Department of Communications and Networking(Comnet) in the School of Electrical Engineering at Aalto University from 2005 through 2015. From 1997 through early 2005, he was Assistant Professor in the Computer Networks group at the Universität Bremen and member of the Center for Computing Technologies (TZI). From 1992 through 1997 he worked as a research staff member with teaching responsibilities at TU Berlin. He received his Doctor in Informatics (Dr.-Ing.) in 1997 from Technische Universität Berlin.
His research interests are in network architectures, protocol design, and networked systems, from modeling to implementation and experimentation. His current research areas include network and system architectures, robust networking, mobile networked systems, adaptive real-time communication, and network measurements. In the IETF, was co-chair of the MMUSIC working group from 1997 through 2009 and co-chaired the SIP working group from its foundation in 1999 to October 2002, in the IRTF he co-chaired DTNRG. He has served the networking community as Treasurer of ASCM SIGCOMM, Vice-chair of IEEE Comsoc TCCC, General Co-Chair of several conferences (incl. ACM SIGCOMM 2012, ACM MobiSys 2018, ACM CoNEXT 2021) and a TPC co-chair of numerous conferences and workshops.
Jörg co-founded Tellique Kommunikationstechnik GmbH (1998), which provided solutions for IP multicast-based content distribution and performance enhancements for satellite and other challenged networks; Lysatiq GmbH (2007), which provided solutions for disconnection tolerance and performance optimizations for challenged networks and mobile Internet access; Spacetime Networks Oy (2013), which provides software solutions for enabling networking (not just) in challenging industrial environments; and NeMu ("Networked Multimedia") Dialogue Systems Oy (also:, which provides QoS and QoE monitoring and analysis for (interactive) (WebRTC-based) multimedia services.
Jörg is chair of the Steering Committee of the ACM CoNEXT conference and member of TUM Ethics Board for non-medical sciences.