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Distributed Systems and Security
Professorship in Heilbronn
In research and teaching we focus on components, methods, and systems of wireless networking. Our subject area includes local network connections as well as directional radio, millimeter wave, and software defined radios. We aim at reproducible measurements that can be complemented and confirmed by theoretical models.
Scientific staff

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Günther

Leander Seidlitz, M.Sc.

Man Kießling-Lyu

Michaela Boxdörfer
Assistants and Tutors

Michael Oberrauch, B.Sc.

Peter Ridilla
Ilab Tutor
Computer Networking and Security (INHN0010)
Lecture - Thu 12:15-15:00, room tba
In this course we cover the basics of computer networking and security. Starting at the physical layer, discuss base band impulses and modulation schemes, switching, wireless networks, routing, and transport layer protocols. On the application layre, we introduce important protocols such has HTTPS and SSH. Demonstrations and case studies help to understand the layered architecture of network protocols. Students also learn about attack models, firewalls, authentication, authorization, and encryption of traffic.
Computer Networking and Internet (INHN0015)
Seminar - Thu 18:15-19:45, room tba
Students choose from a broad range of topics in the area of computer networking and write a scientific paper. Papers are peer-reviewed by other students, providing feedback for the final version of the paper, which is presented in class.
Ilab (INHN0021 / INHN4053)
Practical course - Wed 17:00-19:00, remote / recorded

This course provides hands-on coverage of CNS contents such as switching, routing, transport layer protocols, wireless networking, and much more. The course is structured into several Labs, each considering one of the topics listed above. The Labs consist of a lecture (which will be remote and recorded), a theoretical introduction to the topic followed by a multiple choice quiz. When passed, the practical part of the Lab opens where you setup networking environments and conduct experiments.
The course is done in teams of two. Each team has exclusive access to the testbed (hardware) on one day per week for the practical part. The theoretic part can be done at any time online.