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Computer Architecture & Operating Systems (CAOS)
Professorship in Heilbronn
Welcome to the Professorship for Computer Architecture and Operating Systems!
The professorship covers a broad range of research focus areas in computer architecture, parallel processing and hardware-oriented applications and optimisations as well as operating systems.
- High-Performance Computing (HPC)
- Co-Design and hardware-oriented optimisations
- Edge and IoT architectures
- Open Source environments for electrostatic field simulations.
Besides technical and ethical aspects, we focus on interdisciplinary, cross-faculty collaboration in both teaching (Ethics for Nerds seminar, together with TUM's School of Management) and research (THIEF project, together with other members of the TUM of Computation, Information and Technology).

Carsten Trinitis
Professor for Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

Man Kießling-Lyu

Michaela Boxdörfer
Scientific Researcher

Kun Qin, M.Sc.
Ph.D. candidate
Assistants and Tutors

Sameh Nour
Student Assistant
HDL Course

Louisa Siebel
Computer Architecture Course