Dr. rer. nat. Amir Raoofy
Researcher at LRZ Future Computing & CAPS
Technische Universität München, Informatik 10
Lehrstuhl für Rechnerarchitektur & Parallele Systeme (Prof. Schulz)
Room I.1.030
Boltzmannstr. 1
85748 Garching b. München
Email: amir.raoofy@tum.de
Tel.: +49 (89) 35831 - 8871
Research interests
- Programming and Usage Models
- System Software and Programming
- Analysis of large datasets on HPC systems
- Machine Learning and Data Mining on HPC systems
- Time-series analysis on industrial datasets using HPC systems
- Parallelization and code optimization on accelerators and multi-core HPC systems
- Porting applications to HPC systems
- Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform - Software for Exascale Architectures (DEEP-SEA) ( www.deep-projects.eu ): Research project sponsored by European Commission and EuroHPC Programmes.
- Commercial off-the-shelf Inference Processor ML Benchmark (MLAB): Research project in collaboration with Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, TUM chair of Big Geospatial Data Management, and Orora Technologies GmbH.
- From the Edge to the Cloud and Back: Scalable and Adaptive Sensor Data Processing (SensE): Research project funded by Bayerische Forschungsstiftung in cooperation with IfTA Ingenieurbüro für Thermoakustik GmbH
- Gas Turbine Optimization using Big Data and Machine Learning (TurbO): Research project funded by Bayerische Forschungsstiftung in cooperation with IfTA Ingenieurbüro für Thermoakustik GmbH
- Porting Livermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics (LULESH) to LAIK (A Library for Automatic Data Migration in Parallel Applications) Code
- WS 22/23: Praktikum - Evaluation of Modern HPC-Architectures and - Accelerators
- WS 21/22: Praktikum - Evaluation of Modern HPC-Architectures and - Accelerators
- SS 21: Praktikum - Evaluation of Modern HPC-Architectures and - Accelerators
- SS 20: Seminar - Cloud Computing: Internet of Things Technologies
- SS 19: Seminar - Geschichte der Rechnerarchitektur
- WS 18/19: Praktikum - Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
- SS 18: Lecture - Parallel Programming (Central Tutorial)
Amir Raoofy, Roman Karlstetter, Martin Schreiber, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz: Overcoming Weak Scaling Challenges in Tree-based Nearest Neighbor Time Series Mining, ISC 2023.
Yi Ju, Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Erwin Laure, Martin Schulz: Exploiting Reduced Precision for GPU-based Time Series Mining, IPDPS 2022.
Max Ghiglione, Amir Raoofy ,Gabriel Dax, Gianluca Furano, Richard Wiest, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Werner, Martin Schulz, Martin Langer: Machine Learning Application Benchmark for In-Orbit On-Board Data Processing, OBDP 2021.
Amir Raoofy, Gabriel Dax, Max Ghiglione, Martin Langer, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Werner, and Martin Schulz: Benchmarking Machine Learning Inference in FPGA-based Accelerated Space Applications, MLBench 2021.
Roman Karlstetter, Amir Raoofy, Martin Radev, Carsten Trinitis, Jakob Hermann, and Martin Schulz: Living on the Edge: Efficient Handling of Large Scale Sensor Data, CCGrid 2021.
Amir Raoofy, Roman Karlstetter, Dai Yang, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz: Time Series Mining at Petascale Performance: ISC High Performance 2020 (Winner of the Hans Meuer Best Paper Award).
Roman Karlstetter, Robert Widhopf-Fenk, Jakob Hermann, Driek Rouwenhorst, Amir Raoofy, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz: Turning dynamic sensor measurements from gas turbines into insights: a big data approach. ASME Turbo-Expo conference 2019.
Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Josef Weidendorfer, Carsten Trinitis and Martin Schulz: Enabling Malleability for Livermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics using LAIK. PARS Workshop 2019
Dai Yang, Moritz Dötterl, Sebastian Rückerl and Amir Raoofy: Hardening the Linux Kernel agains Soft Errors. Poster for The 13th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space
Arash Bakhtiari, Dhairya Malhotra, Amir Raoofy, Miriam Mehl, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, George Biros. A parallel arbitrary-order accurate AMR algorithm for the scalar advection-diffusion equation. SC '16.