Seminar: Next-Gen Programming Interfaces and Compilers (IN0014, IN2107, IN4590) (Seminar)
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
Umfang | 2 SWS |
Semester | Wintersemester 2021/22 |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
For literature on your topic, discuss with your supervisor.
The seminar is organized similar to a scientific conference. Participants will have to submit a draft paper, which will be reviewed by other participants, and incorporate the received feedback for the final version. All talks will be presented 'en bloc' within one or two days at the end of the semester. The block seminar will be either virtually or at TUM. Further details will be shared during the kick-off meeting.
In order to qualify for the ECTS credits, participants have to prepare a paper and present a talk. The paper should have a length of between 8 and 10 pages using a provided LaTeX template. The paper is subject to a review process among students: every attendee will have to review two other papers. The talk should be 20 minutes long. It strictly must not be longer than 25 minutes in any case.
The final grade is influenced mostly by paper/talk quality (half/half), but also the quality of reviews and the participation in discussions after the talk will be taken into account. Delivering either the paper or the talk in unacceptable quality will result in total failure.
- Preliminary meeting: (none)
- Just register via the matching systems; if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact one of the orginizers.
- Kick-off meeting: 2021-10-21
- Deadline for paper draft: 2021-12-06
- Peer Review deadline: 2021-12-20
- Final Paper Due: 2022-02-02
- Block Seminar: 2022-02-03 and 2022-02-04
This seminar is a joint offer by the Chair I10 and the Chair I2:
- Informatik II: Prof. Dr. Helmut Seidl, Dr. Michael Petter
- Informatik X: Alexis Engelke, Dr. Josef Weidendorfer