Seminar: Scheduling – Modern Problems in a Seemingly Solved Discipline (IN0014,IN2107)

Dr. Matthias Maiterth

Dr. Eishi Arima

Dr. Isaias Compres

Dates: Mondays 14:00-16:00, room 00.08.059, Seminarraum (5608.EG.059)
First meeting: 02.05.2022
Language: English
Type: Seminar, 2S


In high performance computing (HPC), scheduling is a central aspect for efficient processing of applications and user workloads. This seminar looks at traditional aspects of job or batch scheduling and analyizes modern takes and solutions for this long standing (and seeminlgy solved) problem.

Aspects discussed in the seminar are:

  • Traditional scheduling — FCFS, SJF, backfilling
  • Job and batch schedulers in HPC
  • Usage and scheduling of containers in HPC
  • Workflow scheduling
  • Additional resources: Energy as resource, quantum and other domain specific resources
  • Simulators for schedulers
  • Task and process scheduling

The students will select material for the presentation, provide a report, and give a presentation. 

Topic List:

1. Metrics and Fundamentals of Scheduling
2. Threads and Tasks Scheduling
3. GPU Scheduling (Warps and Compute Units)
4. Process Scheduling (OS)
5. Modern Batch Scheduling by example of FLUX
6. Clouds and Container Scheduling
7. Large-Scale Cluster management by example of Borg
8. Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems
9. Workflows and scheduling
10. Co-Scheduling
11. IO-Aware Scheduling

12. Malleability

13. Power-Aware Scheduling
14. ML-Based Scheduling
15. Scheduling for Quantum Systems