TUM/LRZ Host the 2nd International Seminar on the HPC PowerStack (June 11-13, 2019)

The landscape of high-performance computing (HPC) is changing as we enter the exascale era. Optimizing performance of scientific applications under power and energy constraints is challenging due to several reasons, such as the dynamic phase behavior of applications, processor manufacturing variability, and increasing heterogeneity of node-level components. While several scattered research efforts to manage power and energy exist, a majority of these efforts are site-specific, require programmer effort, and often result in suboptimal application performance and system throughput. Additionally, these interfaces are not designed to cooperate or work together in an integrated manner, creating conflicts between various layers of a software stack. A holistic, generalizable and extensible approach to power management is still missing in the HPC community.

Following the successful 1st Seminar on “The HPC PowerStack: Enabling Efficient Power Management in High-Performance Computing through Hierarchical Design” held from June 20-22, 2018 at the TUM study center in Raitenhaslach, Germany, we are organizing the Second Annual PowerStack Seminar to continue this effort forward, this year at and in close collaboration with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).

