Paper "Predicting Faults in High Performance Computing Systems: An In-Depth Survey of the State-of-the-Practice” by Dai Yang, his student David Jauk and Martin Schulz was accepted at ACM/IEEE SC 2019

Predicting Faults in High Performance Computing Systems: An In-Depth Survey of the State-of-the-Practice"by Dai Yang, his student David Jauk and Martin Schulz was accepted at ACM/IEEE SC, The International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking, Storage, and Analysis (Formerly known as Supercomputing Conference), to be held in Denver, Colorado , United States of America on November 17-22, 2019.

The paper focus on the effectivity and efficiency of state-of-the-art fault prediction techniques in HPC systems. The results will be presented during the conference. The SC is the annual conference established in 1988 by the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society. With over 10,000 attendees each year, the SC is considered as the one of the best scientific venue in the field of high performance computing, and computer architecture. The SC Technical Program is very competitive with an acceptance rate around 20% for papers. Traditionally, the program includes invited talks, panels, research papers, and many others.

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