Guest lecture on Cloud Capacity Management by Steve Wolter from Google

Steve Wolter from Munich branch of Google has given a lecture about Cloud Capacity Management on 22nd of January 2019 in the scope of Prof. Gerndt's lecture course in cloud computing.

Steve Wolter from Munich branch of Google has given a lecture about Cloud Capacity Management on 22nd of January 2019 in the scope of Prof. Gerndt's lecture course in cloud computing.

The lecture covered the basic concepts and principles of Cloud capacity planing and management as is done by Google for such services as YouTube and Google maps.

The speaker has given the high-level overview of the tools that implement conventional capacity management workflow, i.e. forecasting of the queries per second, load-testing of the applications to derive the performance models and scheduling of the scaling actions. At the end of the lecture,

Steve answered students' questions.

Picture by Vladimir Podolskiy.