Designing a Power and Energy Stack for Exascale Systems

Keynote bei CoolChips 2018 2018 April 19th, 2018, Yokohama, Japan

Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz

Both power and energy are major design constraints as we approach the exascale era. Hardware efforts alone will no longer be sufficient to tackle this problem; instead we need comprehensive software developments that go along with any hardware effort and that help manage these scarce resources. This will have a significant impact on all layers of the exascale software stack, starting from low-level measurement and control capabilities, interactions with runtimes and resource management systems, all the way to interfaces with applications. In this talk I will highlight several ongoing projects with partners in Japan, the US and Europe to create a comprehensive software stack that can tackle this challenge and help mitigate the impact we see in power and energy constraint systems. This will include work on reducing variability, active runtime control in parallel programs, OS-level resource management as well as suitable application interfaces. Combined, these efforts will lead us to a vertically integrated software stack that enables power- and energy-aware computing and can help deliver an exascale system in the coming years.

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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Schulz

Chair for Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems

Department of Informatics, TU-Munich