
The award is issued by the CIT student body (Fachschaft) for the best compulsory lecture in the Bachelor’s programme. It is given for outstanding teaching performance and is the first prize which goes to a professor at CIT in Heilbronn.

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Lehrpreisvergabe im Rahmen des GarNix-Festivals ein. Die Verleihung findet am 19. Juni um 13:15 Uhr auf dem Vorplatz MI statt.

Authors: David Hildenbrand, Martin Schulz, Nadav Amit

A paper titled "sys-sage: A Unified Representation of Dynamic Topologies & Attributes on HPC Systems" got accepted at ICS'24 Authors: Stepan Vanecek, Martin Schulz Will be presented on the 7th June 2024 at the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'24) in Kyoto, Japan

The paper from David Hildenbrand, Martin Schulz and Nadav Amit won a distinguished artifact award. It is freely accessible on the ACM Digital Library for one month. Link. https://asplos-conference.org/


The ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers is being held April 30 - May 2 in Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. Prof. Martin Schulz co-chaired the…

On May 10th, Prof. Martin Schulz will give a keynote presentation at the inaugural IEEE HPBD&IS 2019 conference, the 2019 International Conference on…

The chairs for "Scientific Computing in Computer Science" and "Computer Architectures and Parallel Systems" offer a compact course on time…

on the topic "About novel time integration methods for weather and climate simulations"

Der 28. GI PARS Workshop findet in der Zeit von 21.-22.03.2019 in Berlin statt. Ziel des von der GI veranstalteten PARS-Workshops ist die Vorstellung…