Sven Kirchner, M.Sc.

Foto von Sven Kirchner

M.Sc. Sven Kirchner

Curriculum Vitae

Sven Kirchner joined the Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Real-time Systems at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany as a Ph.D. Student in 2023. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Automotive Engineering from RWTH Aachen University. During his studies, he focused on the control of automated vehicles and automotive systems engineering.


In April 2024 Sven joined the Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems at the Informatics department as a research assistant. His research interests include autonomous driving, software architectures for softwaredefined vehicles, and artificial intelligence

Thesis and Project Offers

If you are interested in a thesis or semester project position in the overlapping field of automautonomous driving, software architectures for softwaredefined vehicles, and artificial intelligence then have a look at the current offers or contact me to discuss your personal preferences.


Creß, Christian; Zimmer, Walter; Purschke, Nils; Doan, Bach Ngoc; Kirchner, Sven; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Strand, Leah; Knoll, Alois C.: TUMTraf Event: Calibration and Fusion Resulting in a Dataset for Roadside Event-Based and RGB Cameras, 2024