Curriculum Vitae
Javier is a research assistant at the chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems (I6). He joined the group in October 2019.
He received a master in Electrical Engineering in 2014 from the University of Vigo, and a master in Robot Systems from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in 2019. He has previously worked as a researcher within the fields of medical image processing and mobile robots. He also has experience in industry, namely in the automotive sector.
He was involved in the KI-ASIC project developing neuromorphic solutions for the processing of radar signals in the autnomous driving field. His main work consisted in the design and implementation of Spiking Neural Network algorithms and topologies.
Research interests and offered thesis
My main fields of interest are the following:
- Neuromorphic computing and spike encoding methodologies
- Mobile robots and drone technology
- Computer science and AI
At the moment, there are no topics for students' thesis open.
López-Randulfe, J., Reeb, N., Knoll, A. "Integrate-and-Fire Circuit for Converting Analog Signals to Spikes Using Phase Encoding." Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3.4 (2023)
López-Randulfe, J., Reeb, N., Knoll, A. "Conversion of ConvNets to Spiking Neural Networks with Less than one Spike per Neuron." 2022 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. CCN, 2022.
Kaiser, K., Daugalas, J., López-Randulfe, J., Knoll, A., Weigel, R., Lurz, F. "Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Millimeter Wave FMCW-Radar Angle Estimations." European Radar Conference 2022. EuRAD, 2022.
López-Randulfe, J., Reeb, N., Karimi, N., Liu, C., Gonzalez, H.A., Dietrich, R., Vogginger, B., Mayr, C., and Knoll A. "Time-coded spiking Fourier transform in Neuromorphic Hardware." IEEE Transactions on Computers (2022)
Vogginger, B., Kreutz, F., López-Randulfe, J., Liu, C., Dietrich, R., Gonzalez, H.A., Scholz, D., Reeb, N., Auge, D., Arsalan, M., Mirus, F., Grassmann, C., Knoll A., and Mayr, C. "Automotive Radar Processing with Spiking Neural Networks: Concepts and Challenges." Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022)
López-Randulfe, J., Duswald, T., Bing, Z., and Knoll A. "Spiking Neural Network for Fourier Transform and Object Detection for Automotive Radar." Frontiers in Neurorobotics 15 (2021)
López-Randulfe, J., Rodríguez-Andina, J.J., and Fariña, J.. "UviSpace—A multidisciplinary PBL system based on mobile robots." IECON 2017-43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2017.
López-Randulfe, J., Veiga, C., Rodríguez-Andina, J.J., and Farina; J. "A quantitative method for selecting denoising filters, based on a new edge-sensitive metric." 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, 2017.