I am a postdoctoral research associate at the Chair of Robotics, AI, and Real-Time Systems at TUM, under the supervision of Prof. Alois Knoll (IEEE Fellow). I earned my Ph.D. from the same lab. Before joining TUM, I conducted research at Tongji University. My research interests include autonomous driving, robotic grasping, medical image analysis, and dense prediction (classification, detection, and segmentation). I have been a guest academic at ETH Zurich (supervised by Prof. Lothar Thiele) and HKU (working with Prof. Hengshuang Zhao), and I completed a research internship at Huawei under the supervision of Prof. Qi Tian (IEEE Fellow).
I have published several papers at top AI and robotics conferences and journals, including TPAMI, TAI, SPM, TITS, TIV, T-MECH, TIM, CVPR, ECCV, ICRA, and IROS. My works have garnered over 4037Google Scholar citations. I serve as the Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Neurorobotics and join the editorial board of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (AIAS). Additionally, I was a distinguished reviewer for IEEE TMI for 2022–2023 and was invited to organize special issues for Frontiers in Neuroscience and Frontiers in Robotics and AI (both SCI journals).
Topic 5: Large language model and vision language model for robotics (autonomous vehicles or robotic grasping).
Topic 6: Medical image segmentation.
I am also looking for highly self-motivated students to work on risk-based safety autonomous driving research. The topics include:
Topic 1: LLM for safety-critical scenario generation for autonomous vehicles.
Topic 2: Bayesian networks for real-time risk assessment in ADS.
Topic 3: Risk quantification for automated driving systems based on SOTIF (ISO 21448), Responsibility Sensitive Safety (RSS), and Safety Force Field (SFF).
Topic 4: Uncertainty estimation for autonomous driving perception.
Topic 6: Autonomous driving perception based on adverse weather image restoration.
If you are interested in these research topics, please send me an email with your CV and transcript of records. We also have several other open topics in robotics and welcome proposals or ideas from your side. For more information, please contact hu.cao@tum.de
Cao, Hu; Li, Yanpeng; Liu, Yinlong; Li, Xinyi; Chen, Guang; Knoll, Alois: Lightweight Fisheye Object Detection Network with Transformer-based Feature Enhancement for Autonomous Driving. 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2024, 7399-7405 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Zhang, Zehua; Xia, Yan; Li, Xinyi; Xia, Jiahao; Chen, Guang; Knoll, Alois: Embracing Events and Frames with Hierarchical Feature Refinement Network for Object Detection. ECCV, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Hümmer, Christoph; Schwonberg, Manuel; Zhou, Liangwei; Cao, Hu; Knoll, Alois; Gottschalk, Hanno: VLTSeg: Simple Transfer of CLIP-Based Vision-Language Representations for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation. ACCV, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Xinyi; Cao, Hu; Liu, Yinlong; Liu, Xueli; Zhang, Feihu; Knoll, Alois: Efficient and Deterministic Search Strategy Based on Residual Projections for Point Cloud Registration With Correspondences. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 1-16 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Xinyi; Ma, Zijian; Liu, Yinlong; Zimmer, Walter; Cao, Hu; Zhang, Feihu; Knoll, Alois: Transformation Decoupling Strategy based on Screw Theory for Deterministic Point Cloud Registration with Gravity Prior. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024, 1-18 mehr…BibTeX
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Su, Encheng; Cao, Hu; Knoll, Alois: BiSeg-SAM: Weakly-Supervised Post-Processing Framework for Boosting Binary Segmentation in Segment Anything Models. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), IEEE, 2024, 2430-2437 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhou, Xingcheng; Liu, Mingyu; Yurtsever, Ekim; Zagar, Bare Luka; Zimmer, Walter; Cao, Hu; Knoll, Alois C.: Vision Language Models in Autonomous Driving: A Survey and Outlook. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 1-20 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Xinyi; Liu, Yinlong; Xia, Yan; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Cao, Hu; Zhang, Feihu; Stilla, Uwe; Knoll, Alois: Fast and deterministic (3+1)DOF point set registration with gravity prior. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 199, 2023, 118-132 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Chen, Guang; Li, Zhijun; Feng, Qian; Lin, Jianjie; Knoll, Alois: Efficient Grasp Detection Network With Gaussian-Based Grasp Representation for Robotic Manipulation. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 1-11 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Chen, Guang; Li, Zhijun; Hu, Yingbai; Knoll, Alois: NeuroGrasp: Multimodal Neural Network With Euler Region Regression for Neuromorphic Vision-Based Grasp Pose Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 2022, 1-11 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Peng, Boyang; Jia, Linxuan; Li, Bin; Knoll, Alois; Chen, Guang: Orientation-aware People Detection and Counting Method based on Overhead Fisheye Camera. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhuang, Genghang; Cagnetta, Carlo; Bing, Zhenshan; Cao, Hu; Li, Xinyi; Huang, Kai; Knoll, Alois: A Biologically-Inspired Global Localization System for Mobile Robots Using LiDAR Sensor. 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Chen, Guang; Li, Zhijun; Lin, Jianjie; Knoll, Alois: Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network with Gaussian-based Grasping Representation for Robotic Grasping Detection. , 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Chen, Guang; Li, Zhijun; Lin, Jianjie; Knoll, Alois: Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network with Multi-scale Spatial Pyramid Module for Fast Robotic Grasping Detection. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Cao, Hu; Chen, Guang; Xia, Jiahao; Zhuang, Genghang; Knoll, Alois: Fusion-based Feature Attention Gate Component for Vehicle Detection based on Event Camera. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 1-1 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Chen, Guang and Cao, Hu and Conradt, Jörg and Tang, Huajin and Röhrbein, Florian and Knoll, Alois: Event-based Neuromorphic Vision for Autonomous Driving: A Paradigm Shift for Bio-inspired Visual Sensing and Perception. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Hu, Yingbai; Chen, Guang; Zhang, Longbin; Su, Hang; Li, Mengyao; Schmirander, Yunus; Cao, Hu; Knoll, Alois: Fuzzy Adaptive Control-based Real-time Obstacle Avoidance under Uncertain Perturbations. 2020 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Li, Wei; Cao, Hu; Liao, Jiacai; Xia, Jiahao; Cao, Libo; Knoll, Alois: Parking Slot Detection on Around-View Images Using DCNN. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 14, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Chen, Guang; Cao, Hu; Ye, Canbo; Zhang, Zhenyan; Liu, Xingbo; Mo, Xuhui; Qu, Zhongnan; Conradt, Jörg; Röhrbein, Florian; Knoll, Alois: Multi-Cue Event Information Fusion for Pedestrian Detection With Neuromorphic Vision Sensors. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 13, 2019 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Chen, Guang; Cao, Hu; Aafaque, Muhammad; Chen, Jieneng; Ye, Canbo; Röhrbein, Florian; Conradt, Jörg; Chen, Kai; Bing, Zhenshan; Liu, Xingbo; Hinz, Gereon; Stechele, Walter; Knoll, Alois: Neuromorphic Vision Based Multivehicle Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Transportation System. Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018, 2018, 1-13 mehr…BibTeX
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