Our mission

Our primary missions are research and education with a focus on machine perception, cognition, action and control.

Research areas

Cyber-Physical / Embedded Systems

These systems are investigated with special emphasis on fault tolerance and high availability; special topics are the design of very small redundant systems and the associated software development models and tool chains.

Human-Robot Interaction and Service Robotics

This includes work on the integration of speech, language, vision and action; programming service robots; development of new application scenarios for sensor-based service robots; robot systems for education.

Cognitive Robotics

This field encompasses a comprehensive area of topics ranging from sensor models by the way of individual sensor processing entities (e.g. for high-speed face tracking) to high-level cognitive skills for navigation, adaptation, learning.

Medical Robotics

This topic covers all aspects of manipulator and instrument control for complex surgical procedures, e.g. visualisation of all types of patient data, haptic feedback for delicate handling, skill transfer, shared control, multi-manipulator cooperation.

Recent featured publications

Studies at the Chair

Our goals for teaching are to provide robotics and computer science literacy to a broad spectrum of students, starting from high school students to whom we offer our exciting education and entertainment robotics activities. We also offer a Master's Degree in Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence.


In more detail, our courses include:

Undergraduate Education:

Introduction to Computer Science I and II, seminars on different topics, related exercises, labs.


Graduate Education:

Robotics, Real-time Systems, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Digital Signal Processing, and more.


Ph.D. Programs:

There is a multitude of opportunities for students to pursue degrees, in funded programs and on regular staff positions.


Research Projects

Recent featured projects


Central Car Server – Supercomputing for Automotive

HAL4SDV project

Hardware Abstraction Layer for a European Software Defined Vehicle

Providentia and successors

Research for automated driving with external infrastructure

Projects we coordinated or participated in

The Human Brain Project HBP 
The European Flagship project on Brain Research
Neurorobotics in the HBP 
The Neurorobotics Subproject in the Human Brain Project
ECHORD++ project 
The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development
ECHORD project 
The European Clearing House on Open Robotics Development

Cognition for Technical Systems

Graduate School of Information Science in Health 

Top level education for information in science in health


The "Ingolstadt Institute der TU München" is a cooperation between AUDI AG, Technische Universität München and Ingolstadt


The project "Embodied Cognition in a Compliantly Engineered ROBOT" developed a completely new type of robot


Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories

AI4DI project 

Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry


The project "Myorobotics" develops soft modular robots


A former network of excellence at the interface between robotics and neuroscience

JAHIR project 
Joint-Action for Humans and Industrial Robots

A project to develop "in vitro neuronal networks" as a novel class of "computational device"

Website Archive

The chair's website from 2001 - 2018 can be accessed in an archived version at https://archive.air.in.tum.de/. The page will not be updated anymore but contains information about research, teaching, staff and many other information during this period.

The latest website archive, from July 2022, is also accessible over at: http://archive22.air.in.tum.de/